What Goes On In A Typical Fire Extinguisher Maintenance

Fire extinguisher are used for business or home purpose for protection and security measures. In Singapore there is obligation for business for proper maintenance. Only Certified seller can provide the service of Fire extinguisher maintenance. A fire extinguisher should be maintained regularly and there should be replacement of expired instruments in time so that they may not provide any lose for your business.

If you are unable to know “how to maintain fire extinguisher ” then you can contact to certified buyers in Singapore as they provide the service of maintenance of your fire extinguishers.

It is in practice that there should be proper maintenance of commercial fire extinguishers once in a year. In proper maintenance of fire extinguisher there should be of checking of ” hose ” of extinguishers to check the blockage. If you want long life of your extinguishers then you have to keep your extinguishers in proper order. The expired extinguishers should be replaced by new one.

In fire extinguishers there should be proper checking of blocking, pressure level, gauge, needles, nozzle and pin of extinguishers. There should be also checking of leaking, dents and rust on it. It is also recommended to shake the extinguisher once in month.

It is also recommended to shake the extinguisher once in month. There is hydro static testing of fire extinguisher to keep it in normal and in proper order. There should be charging of extinguishers.

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