Serviced Apartments & Entrepreneurs: The Perfect Fit

Always on the move as you’re embarking on a journey to put together your startup? Or are you already taking it a step further and expanding into a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) or even a medium-sized business (MSB)?

But first things first – what makes any of these situations the same from one another?

We’ll spell it out for you – accommodation.

As you’re travelling around in search of new business ideas – you’ll need somewhere you can go home to at your own time, own target. It means you’ll to interact with others, give your observation skills a boost, do a little Q&A here and there to work on product (or even service) innovation.

That said, let’s get cracking and provide you with a solution to that problem, first. If you manage to fit any of the above-mentioned descriptions perfectly – here’s a shout out for you; it’s time you settle on a service apartment for rent.

And we’re going to tell you the perks behind a serviced apartment for you entrepreneurs out there.

Grow your connections

Heard of LinkedIn? Well, you probably have since you’re an entrepreneur.

That said, staying in a serviced apartment is the same as all the LinkedIn connections you’ve made.

You’ll probably be able to find a bunch of others who are venturing into a business – even if they’re not a budding entrepreneur, students who are bound to join the working industry will serve as great connections in the future.

Picture it this way, perhaps there are about 15,000 people in the building and about a quarter has a LinkedIn and some sort of connection to your industry.

That’s a whopping number of connections you’re gaining – get ready to say hello to new potential clients, partners or investors!

The choice of privacy or community

Being an entrepreneur is tough work – just about everyone knows that fact.

If you’re a startup, every task lies in your hands or the shoulders of just 9 other colleagues. Meanwhile, if you’re an MSB – you have to oversee everything and make sure every department is doing a job well done.

So, whenever you don’t feel like socialising – go ahead, enter your room and lock the door; you definitely deserve some hard-earned rest for all the work you’ve done.

On the other hand, if you’re ready to unleash your perky side – just go over to one of the communal spaces, chat someone up or knock on your house member’s door to hang out.

Every decision-making is entirely up to you; choose when you want to interact or recharge in your own room.

Gaining a new perspective

You’re bound to meet all sorts of people in a shared living space.

From a young woman in her early 20s who started an Instagram shop offering customisation services for jewellery and clothing up to a late 30s businessman in the advertising department who is trying to devise a new campaign strategy.

All these people will teach you something new, and maybe give a tip or two in managing your business – who knows?

You may even discover the struggles that they’ve dealt with and how they managed to overcome it successfully – the ups and downs will surely tell you a lot as you’re going about your own business.

But business aside, you’re going to gain lots of life insights as well. After all, the best and long-lasting relationships are those where your bonds are deep to the very bone.

By now, we hope you see what we mean when we say that the perks are countless for entrepreneurs when you decide to rent a service apartment – you don’t just get to work on your business, but you’re gaining new experiences and friendships!

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