International School: What You Must Do Before Applying

If you are planning to seek a teaching position at a Singapore international secondary school, these are the things you should do before applying.

Refresh your Resume/CV
Before you send in your application, make sure you check your resume and update it. You want to ensure you are adhering to the latest resume and CV formats.

Sign up with a recruitment agency
Most Singapore international secondary schools consult with recruitment agencies when filling teaching positions because the process of advertising takes a lot of time. So what you should do is find a reputable recruitment agency and register with them.

Look out for vacancies
Monitor all the channels of communication that your recruitment agency uses. If you see a vacancy at a Singapore international secondary school that interests you, inform your recruitment manager to verify and check out the suitability of the job. You do not want to spend time applying for job positions that are not very credible.

Always be prepared for last-minute interviews

Most Singapore international secondary schools conduct their interviews via skype of video calls. So, you should always have Skype turned on and get familiar with typical interview questions and responses.

Keep the details of your references handy
References are important, and not having their details handy can slow things down for you. Make sure you have their contact details ready at all times so that if any international school Singapore asks for it, you can share it with them immediately.

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