Healthier Alternatives To Snacks To Nourish Your Child

Whenever our child is schooling we are not sure about their nutrition intake while they are in school. Although international schools in Singapore do not allow unhealthy foods to be sold on their canteens it is always a good precautionary measure to bring them snacks that are truly nutritious.

By doing so you will have a peace of mind that your child meets their daily nutritional needs simply because it is very important in a child’s growth.

Here are the following snacks that you can give to your child for them to bring in school:

  • Mashed potato – instead of loading your child with bad carbohydrates such as white rice by substituting mashed potato with rice you are doing a lot of good things for your child’s health. Your child will get the sufficient carbohydrate that they need without hyping their glucose up.
  • Fresh fruit juices – instead of giving them ready-made fruit juices that are sold in grocery stores substitute it with fresh juices made by you. As ready-made fruit juices in grocery stores contain an exaggerated amount of sugar which can result in various diseases.
  • Organic biscuits – this is much preferable rather than the usual biscuits that we are buying for our child’s snacks. These organic biscuits do not contain preservatives and use natural sweeteners that are not harmful to our child’s health.

So if you want to ensure that your child is getting the nutrients while in school these foods are the best to add up on their snacks!

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