Groups Of People Who Should Receive STD Screening Regularly

Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, are surprisingly common in Singapore. This is largely due to the fact that having sex is becoming more common, especially among youths, who may not understand the risks that come with intercourse – any form of unprotected sex could result in a transfer of STDs. As such, it is important that anyone who has ever had unprotected sex should go for STD testing in Singapore.

However, there are various groups of people who are at a higher risk of contracting STDs. It is important to note that these STDs range from curable diseases like gonorrhea to incurable diseases with significant long-term health impacts, like HIV. The people in these 3 particular groups are more likely to be infected by these STDs.

  1. Sex workers

If sex is the main way you make a living, you’re likely to be the most exposed to STDs. This is especially scary when sex workers do not use the necessary protection (condoms) to help them prevent the transfer of STDs from clients. For females, going on the pill may lower chances of pregnancy, but it does not reduce the risk of being infected by STDs.

It can be tough for sex workers to go for HIV testing due to the great stigma surrounding the profession within the local society. However, it is important to ensure that their health is not affected by their profession. When in doubt, sex workers can approach STD clinics  to ask for information.

  1. People who have caught an STD before

If you have previously had an STD, it is possible that the effects of the previous infection have not fully recovered. You are then at a higher risk of infection of other STDs. For instance, people who have herpes may experience sores in the vagina or rectum, which can be a way for HIV to enter the body. After you have been infected with an STD, it is important to educate yourself about sexual health, to prevent further infections from happening in the future.

  1. People who have sex with strangers often

Your chances of contracting an STD is significantly lower if you stick to one sexual partner. However, if you are constantly having sex with people you may not know well, then your chances of getting infected with an STD is much higher. While using protection the right way can help reduce the chances significantly, there may be emergency cases, such as if a condom breaks while having sex. These people should be tested for STDs regularly, in order to detect any diseases early.  They should also be on the lookout for signs and symptoms of an STD infection.

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