Ensure On-Site Safety: 5 Safety Assessments To Follow

There is a considerable amount of legal requirements and processes in regards to notifications, risk assessment, safety plans, as well as examination procedures. This is because safety management starts with properly performing on-site assessments to identify any potential risks within the construction site.

The contract will proceed to undertake corrective and preventive measures to prevent any possible occurrences or hazards. In this article, we will be looking at how you can assess on-site safety procedures before construction begins. It is important to note that these safety assessments are necessary to achieve an occupational health and safety certificate.

Risk assessment

The first step is to perform a general and specific risk assessment. The general assessment entails identifying loopholes that might jeopardize the health and safety of employees and occupants at a construction site.

Specific assessments, on the other hand, involve assessing specific hazards like hazardous substances, manual handling, noise, vibration, and work at height. These are all important to the safety of your employees.

CDM construction phase plan

The primary contractor or sub-contractor should prepare and continually update a construction phase plan throughout the project. This plan is presented in the form of a document that helps to plan, monitor, and manage construction work in a way that ensures everyone’s health and safety.

The “health and safety file” containing all of the information regarding the project’s health and safety procedures, applies to the CDM construction phase plan as well.

Thorough examination

In colossal buildings where there are cranes, slings, and pulleys, all lifting equipment should be thoroughly examined to avoid any possibility of extreme hazards.

If technical examiners find a minor fault, they’ll proceed to rectify it. If the defect is significant, they would have to replace the equipment and present a thoroughly examined report to relevant enforcing authorities.

Evaluation of fall arrest systems

All ladders, excavators, and scaffolds should be investigated to ensure that they work with maximum efficiency and adhere to safety requirement. In buildings like skyscrapers that are of tall heights, having effective fall arrest systems is critical to avoid fatalities.

Should an accident occur to any employee, the odds of survival would be incredibly low. Therefore, a thorough inspection is required on the equipment with the preparation of detailed and well-outlined reports.

Demolition preparation

The procedure and arrangements of bringing down buildings, dismantling, and structural demolitions should be presented in writing before the demolition is carried out. Contractors achieve this requirement by preparing a document and presenting it in the form of a risk assessment report.

Contractors can also prepare method statements for demolition to help plan and prevent any fatalities on the construction site. With overall uncertainty in the demolition of the building and the immensity of the risk, a method statement helps in ensuring strict adherence to training procedures and deal with any severe danger that might occur.


Hazards in construction sites are always an imminent risk. The underlying principle to achieve the most effective safety procedures and prevent the occurrences of such dangers is to undertake an on-site evaluation. It is also an effective way to achieve bizsafe level 2 recognition by the Workspace Safety and Health Council.

It is essential for the management to promote safety training and communicate to all involved parties about the imminent risks that may occur at a construction site.

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