4 Details To Pay Attention To When Setting Up Training Rooms

Having a well-done training room can benefit both you and your audience. Several aspects of a room should be noted. The layout of the room, the lighting, seating, and lastly the technology that you are going to be using. Let’s get to them.

Room layout

The way your training room is set up is extremely important. Ensure that you have ample space to walk around comfortably while carrying out training. Walls are advised to be light coloured and have whiteboard and other visual aids that you may have or need. Take advantage of the space that you have and do not try to do too much.


You are going to want the light in your training room to be inviting and energising. Natural light is good unless the sun is blaring and distracting participants. Of course, you still want to light the room, but it should be soft and welcoming.

Having adjustable lighting is preferable, using blinds and lights to their full potential. Dimming options for presentations could be helpful. Ambient light is better than direct light shining down.


Comfortable and moveable seats are good, especially the ones with wheels and lightweight. If you need tables, the seating styles and arrangement can be a little more varied. The three ways that are most beneficial for training or seminar setting are classroom style, U-shaped, and small tables.

All three of these types serve their own purpose. Classroom seating is suitable for meetings that do not require much interactivity. U style makes interactive discussions a breeze. Lastly, small tables are best for smaller group discussions. View our room styles for more seating arrangements.


You are probably going to be using some type of technology, especially in this day and age, making it one of the essential things to have in a training room. A projector that is compatible with multiple devices is a good. A phone line and a way to access the internet is a step that should not be overlooked.

If you are in a room with poor acoustics, a microphone can help. Ensure that the room is wired for one. Temperature control is important if you can change it. The more flexibility is available, the better experience it will be for everyone.

The following is an overview of other valuable tips for the ideal training room.


  • Training room located somewhere close to public transportation will benefit many and ease their travel. Conversely, there should be plenty of parking available nearby.
  • Set aside space for participants to put their belongings, preferably to the side or even in a coat closet.
  • If you have access, make sure the temperature of the room is comfortable.
  • Refreshments such as water, juices or coffee and maybe even catering is always an impressive touch.
  • A floor with carpeting absorbs sound and will allow for quieter travel around the room.
  • Make sure there are enough power supply points for what you need to do.
  • Get a place for storing training materials and equipment. This should be secure and maintained frequently.

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